Atlantic Aviation is proud to be the FBO that touches hearts and lives. Active involvement in the communities we serve is a priority, and giving back is more than a commitment. It’s part of our DNA.

Atlantic Cares

October 5, 2016

Paying it Forward

Paying it Forward

Jay Hamby, VP Operations - Midwest Region, was having breakfast with other colleagues while on the road traveling for business. While eating, they were chatting about the great attitude of their waitress.


Jay commented to her about her great mood and she commented back, you have to enjoy what you are doing and to always be happy. She added she was a little sad that day because her daughter was in Reno attending college and was alone for her birthday, but that was a sacrifice they had. Jay asked her if she would like to surprise her and she said absolutely but it was an 8 hour drive and would not be possible. Jay proceeded to offer an airline ticket, and to her disbelieve he quickly found flights and showed her the options. She was dumbfounded. She let her manager know what she was thinking about doing and her manager offered for her to leave early, and if she was a little late the next morning that would be okay also. With her manager’s support, she accepted Jay’s offer and was able to surprise her daughter for her birthday!


Click here to see video of the surprised daughter!

Email from mom:

Good morning!!!! This is the waitress at the hotel....thank you very much for your kind gift. My daughter of course was very surprised to see've made her one of the happiest persons ever for her birthday. We had a great evening yesterday. Once again thanks!!!! Please enjoy the rest of your day.


Email from daughter:

Mr. Hamby,

I am the daughter of the lady at the hotel you offered a flight to Reno yesterday. I just wanted to take the time to thank you for your kind gesture that led to me having one of the best birthdays ever! I was in total shock when I saw my mother but excited and happy are understatements of how I felt. She told me about how kind and nice you were. I greatly appreciate it and I am humbled, so thank you a million times!