Critical Operational ADVISORIES

Whether it's runway construction, an airport closure, or any other critical operational advisory, there's no need to worry. Our teams are on the ground and prepared for it all. The following list (though not all inclusive) will give you a head's up on critical operational advisories that may affect your travel into one of our Atlantic locations.

Sign up for Atlantic Alerts and we'll send you an email notification when a new critical operational advisory is posted.

December 2024

9/05 - 1/05 Multiple

NFL Football Games

Advisory Information - BNA, LAS, LAX, MDW, MKCOPF, PDK, PHL, PIT, PVD, SJC, TEB

12/01 - 3/01 PLS

GA Traffic Restriction

Advisory Information

12/05 - 12/14 LAS

NFR's Cowboy Christmas

Advisory Information

12/15 - 1/05 KOA

Holiday Travel

Advisory Information

12/20 - 12/21 SBN

College Football Playoff - Indiana vs. Notre Dame

Advisory Information

12/20 - 12/22 AUS

College Football Playoff - Clemson vs. Texas

Advisory Information

12/25 - 12/31 Multiple

Holiday Travel

Advisory Information - BCT, LIH, OGG, PBI, SRQ

12/25 - 1/03 Multiple

Holiday Travel

Advisory Information - GCM, HDN, MTJ, OPF, PLS, RIL, SLC, SUA, SUN

12/31 - 1/02 Multiple

College Football Playoff Quarterfinals

Advisory Information - BUR, MSY


January 2025

9/05 - 1/05 Multiple

NFL Football Games

Advisory Information - BNA, LAS, LAX, MDW, MKCOPF, PDK, PHL, PIT, PVD, SJC, TEB

12/01 - 3/01 PLS

GA Traffic Restriction

Advisory Information

12/15 - 1/05 KOA

Holiday Travel

Advisory Information

12/25 - 1/03 Multiple

Holiday Travel

Advisory Information - GCM, HDN, MTJ, OPF, PLS, RIL, SLC, SUA, SUN

12/31 - 1/02 Multiple

College Football Playoff Quarterfinals

Advisory Information - BUR, MSY

1/01 - 1/03 Multiple

Holiday Travel

Advisory Information: HPN, LAX

1/06 - 1/10 LAS

Consumer Electronics Show

Advisory Information

1/08 - 1/10 OPF

College Football Playoff Semifinals

Advisory Information

1/16 - 1/21 IAD


Advisory Information

1/17 - 1/19 SDL

Barrett Jackson

Advisory Information

1/17 - 1/20 Multiple

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Advisory Information: BCT, GCM, MTJ, OPF, PBI, PLS, RIL, SLC, SUA, TRM

1/18 - 1/21 PDK

College Football Playoff National Championship

Advisory Information

1/21 - 1/23 LAS

World of Concrete 2025 Tradeshow

Advisory Information

1/22 - 1/26 BNA

Safari Club International Convention

Advisory Information

1/23 - 1/26 SDL

Barrett Jackson

Advisory Information

1/23 - 1/27 SLC

Sundance Film Festival

Advisory Information


February 2025

12/01 - 3/01 PLS

GA Traffic Restriction

Advisory Information

2/05 - 2/10 SDL

Waste Management Open

Advisory Information

2/05 - 2/10 MSY

Super Bowl LIX

Advisory Information

2/14 - 2/17 Multiple

Presidents' Day

Advisory Information - BCT, HDN, MTJ, OPF, PBI, PLS, RIL, SLC, SUA, SUN, TRM


March 2025

12/01 - 3/01 PLS

GA Traffic Restriction

Advisory Information